Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 222

LI N E A R ORG A N I Z AT I ON S The form of a linear organization is inherently flexible and can respond readily to various conditions of its site. It can adapt to changes in topography, maneuver around a body of water or a stand of trees, or turn to orient spaces to capture sunlight and views. It can be straight, segmented, or curvilinear. It can run horizontally across its site, diagonally up a slope, or stand vertically as a tower. The form of a linear organization can relate to other forms in its context by: • linking and organizing them along its length • serving as a wall or barrier to separate them into different fields • surrounding and enclosing them within a field of space Curved and segmented forms of linear organizations enclose a field of exterior space on their concave sides and orient their spaces toward the center of the field. On their concave sides, these forms appear to front space and exclude it from their fields. ORGANIZATION / 2 0 7