Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 209

SPATIAL O RGANIZATIO NS Compositions of Nine Squares: A Bauhaus Study The following section lays out the basic ways we can arrange and organize the spaces of a building. In a typical building program, there are usually requirements for various kinds of spaces. There may be requirements for spaces that: • have specific functions or require specific forms • are flexible in use and can be freely manipulated • are singular and unique in their function or significance to the building organization • have similar functions and can be grouped into a functional cluster or repeated in a linear sequence • require exterior exposure for light, ventilation, outlook, or access to outdoor spaces • must be segregated for privacy • must be easily accessible 194 / A R C H I TE C TU R E : F O R M , S PA C E , & O R D E R The manner in which these spaces are arranged can clarify their relative importance and functional or symbolic role in the organization of a building. The decision as to what type of organization to use in a specific situation will depend on: • demands of the building program, such as functional proximities, dimensional requirements, hierarchical classification of spaces, and requirements for access, light, or view • exterior conditions of the site that might limit the organization’s form or growth, or that might encourage the organization to address certain features of its site and turn away from others