Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 192

LIGHT The location of an opening affects the manner in which natural light enters a room and illuminates its forms and surfaces. When located entirely within a wall plane, an opening can appear as a bright spot of light on a darker surface. This condition can induce glare if an excessive degree of contrast exists between the brightness of the opening and the darker surface surrounding it. The uncomfortable or debilitating glare caused by excessive brightness ratios between adjacent surfaces or areas in a room can be ameliorated by allowing daylight to enter the space from at least two directions. When an opening is located along the edge of a wall or at the corner of a room, the daylight entering through it will wash the surface of the wall adjacent and perpendicular to the plane of the opening. This illuminated surface itself becomes a source of light and enhances the light level within the space. Additional factors influence the quality of light within a room. The shape and articulation of an opening is reflected in the shadow pattern cast by sunlight on the forms and surfaces of the room. The color and texture of these forms and surfaces, in turn, affect their reflectivity and the ambient light level within the space. FORM & SPACE / 1 7 7