Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 165

U - SH APED PLANES A U-shaped configuration of vertical planes defines a field of space that has an inward focus as well as an outward orientation. At the closed end of the configuration, the field is well defined. Toward the open end of the configuration, the field becomes extroverted in nature. The open end is the primary aspect of the configuration by virtue of its uniqueness relative to the other three planes. It allows the field to have visual and spatial continuity with the adjoining space. The extension of the spatial field into the adjoining space can be visually reinforced by continuing the base plane beyond the open end of the configuration. If the plane of the opening is further defined with columns or overhead elements, the definition of the original field will be reinforced and continuity with the adjoining space will be interrupted. If the configuration of planes is rectangular and oblong in form, the open end can be along its narrow or wide side. In either case, the open end will remain the primary face of the spatial field, and the plane opposite the open end will be the principal element among the three planes of the configuration. 150 / A R C H I TE C TU R E : F O R M , S PA C E , & O R D E R