Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 156

L -S H A P E D P L A N E S Basic Housing Unit Kingo Housing Estate near Elsinore, Denmark 1958–63, Jorn Utzon Site Plan A common theme found in examples of residential architecture is an Lshaped configuration of rooms enclosing an outdoor living space. Typically, one wing contains the communal living spaces while the other contains private, individual spaces. The service and utility spaces usually occupy a corner position or are strung along the backside of one of the wings. The advantage of this type of layout is its provision of a private courtyard, sheltered by the building form and to which interior spaces can be directly related. In the Kingo Housing estate, a fairly high density is achieved with this type of unit, each with its own private outdoor space. Traditional House in Konya, Turkey Rosenbaum House, Florence, Alabama, 1939, Frank Lloyd Wright FORM & SPACE / 1 4 1