Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 139

VE RTICAL ELEMENTS DEFININ G SPA C E In the previous section of this chapter, horizontal planes defined fields of space in which the vertical boundaries were implied rather than explicitly described. The following section discusses the critical role vertical elements of form play in firmly establishing the visual limits of a spatial field. Vertical forms have a greater presence in our visual field than horizontal planes and are therefore more instrumental in defining a discrete volume of space and providing a sense of enclosure and privacy for those within it. In addition, they serve to separate one space from another and establish a common boundary between the interior and exterior environments. Vertical elements of form also play important roles in the construction of architectural forms and spaces. They serve as structural supports for floor and roof planes. They provide shelter and protection from the climatic elements and aid in controlling the flow of air, heat, and sound into and through the interior spaces of a building. 124 / A R C H I TE C TU R E : F O R M , S PA C E , & O R D E R