Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 137

O VE R H EAD PLANE The ceiling plane of an interior space can reflect the form of the structural system supporting the overhead floor or roof plane. Since it need not resist any weathering forces nor carry any major loads, the ceiling plane can also be detached from the floor or roof plane and become a visually active element in a space. Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia, 1920, Henri Maclaine Pont As in the case of the base plane, the ceiling plane can be manipulated to define and articulate zones of space within a room. It can be lowered or elevated to alter the scale of a space, define a path of movement through it, or allow natural light to enter it from above. The form, color, texture, and pattern of the ceiling plane can be manipulated as well to improve the quality of light or sound within a space or give it a directional quality or orientation. 122 / A R C H I TE C TU R E : F O R M , S PA C E , & O R D E R