Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 119

BASE PLANE For a horizontal plane to be seen as a figure, there must be a perceptible change in color, tone, or texture between its surface and that of the surrounding area. The stronger the edge definition of a horizontal plane is, the more distinct will be its field. Although there is a continuous flow of space across it, the field nevertheless generates a spatial zone or realm within its boundaries. The surface articulation of the ground or floor plane is often used in architecture to define a zone of space within a larger context. The examples on the facing page illustrate how this type of spatial definition can be used to differentiate between a path of movement and places of rest, establish a field from which the form of a building rises out of the ground, or articulate a functional zone within a one-room living environment. 104 / A R C H I TE C TU R E : F O R M , S PA C E , & O R D E R