Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 113

FO R M & SPACE: TH E UNIT Y O F O P P O S IT ES A The symbiotic relationship of the forms of mass and space in architecture can be examined and found to exist at several different scales. At each level, we should be concerned not only with the form of a building but also its impact on the space around it. At an urban scale, we should carefully consider whether the role of a building is to continue the existing fabric of a place, form a backdrop for other buildings, or define a positive urban space, or whether it might be appropriate for it to stand free as a significant object in space. At the scale of a building site, there are various strategies for relating the form of a building to the space around it. A building can: B A. form a wall along an edge of its site and begin to define a positive outdoor space; B. merge its interior space with the private outdoor space of a walled site; C. enclose a portion of its site as an outdoor room and shelter it from undesirable climatic conditions; C D. surround and enclose a courtyard or atrium space within its volume— an introverted scheme. D Building as an object in space Buildings defining space Monastery of St. Meletios on Mt. Kithairon, Greece, 9th century A.D. 98 / A R C H I TE C TU R E : F O R M , S PA C E , & O R D E R