Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 103

SU R FACE ARTICULATIO N Our perception of the shape, size, scale, proportion, and visual weight of a plane is influenced by its surface properties as well as its visual context. • A distinct contrast between the surface color of a plane and that of the surrounding field can clarify its shape, while modifying its tonal value can either increase or decrease its visual weight. • A frontal view reveals the true shape of a plane; oblique views distort it. • Elements of known size within the visual context of a plane can aid our perception of its size and scale. • Texture and color together affect the visual weight and scale of a plane and the degree to which it absorbs or reflects light and sound. • Directional or oversized optical patterns can distort the shape or exaggerate the proportions of a plane. 88 / A R C H I TE C TU R E : F O R M , S PA C E , & O R D E R