SELECT Magazine Summer 2020 | Page 65

SICILY BEYOND THE WINE & COASTLINES As beautiful and heartwarming as it made us feel, the viral videos of Italian neighbors performing gorgeous serenades from their balconies during their quarantine shouldn’t be a surprise. Italian art and generosity have endured for centuries; a firsthand reminder of the authentic, unique and timeless experience that is Italy. We are eager to finally be able to witness for ourselves the kindness and culture that helped keep our heads high and hearts full on social media. Music isn’t the only art form Italians have mastered. No matter what you’re looking for in a vacation, the European country has it in spades — breathtaking beaches, rugged mountains, world-renowned dining, welcoming locals, couture fashion, historic artifacts and some of the greatest artwork ever created (statue of David, anyone?). Fontana Pretoria in Sicily CONTACT US TODAY TO RECEIVE YOUR FREE VIP AMENITIES | 65