Select Living Magazine Issue IX | Page 79

LUXURY MARKETING | SUPERIOR DESIGN TEAM | EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE Q U A L I T Y M AT ER I A L M A XIMUM EXPOSURE EXCLUSIVE CO LLECTI O NS Select Group of Companies provides an additional level of service through our luxury property program, LUX. LUX goes above the brand standards to ensure the highest quality and best image is put forth. Admission of your luxury property offers you an exclusive marketing package, including: a private collection of high-end print material, custom designed interactive digital eBlasts, broadcast to our private lists of over 8,000 luxury agents, and custom social media imagery. You will also have the opportunity to be a featured property in Select Living, our luxury property magazine delivered to over 80,000 inboxes. Assistance is also provided for top placement in affluent print publications and we assist with monitoring your properties web-presence to help ensure the utmost quality exposure. CONTACT US TODAY TO PUT OUR EXCEPTIONAL AGENTS & MARKETING TEAM TO WORK FOR YOU! 8 0 0 . 52 0 . 7358 L UX U RY H O M E S @ S E L E C T G R O U P R E .C O M