Finest ciga
The Summer Selection
By Elmer Martinez
For true cigar aficionados there is much more to a good cigar than an
expensive price tag. Cuban Cigars which have been known for decades as
some of the world’s finest, are now available to the US market after a 40
year hiatus from our humidors. Long before the Cuban sanctions, there
has always been a cigar industry growing behind the scenes within the
upper echelon of our societies. The cigar industry as a whole is seeing year
over year increase with a revitalized interest from a younger, tech savvy,
and financially secure crowd that has taken a keen interest in this refined
art. There is a ceremonial element about choosing the right f lavor, smell,
and brand of cigar that best fits your specific tastes and aromas. We have
established a top 10 list of the best cigars in the world to tantalize your
interest in this fast rising industry.*
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