SEKY June 2023 | Page 35

Colds might not be as common in summer as they are in winter , but anyone who has ever had a cold when the weather outside is warm and inviting knows just how unpleasant a runny nose , sore throat and lack of energy can be when everyone else seems to be outside soaking up the sun . Indeed , there ’ s no substitute for feeling fit and healthy in summer .
A healthy summer is one when individuals avoid illness and make the most of a time of year when no one wants to battle colds or other issues that affect their well-being . The following are a handful of strategies that can help people enjoy a healthy summer .
• Protect your skin from the sun . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends individuals apply a broadspectrum sunscreen with a sun-protection factor ( SPF ) of 15 or higher before going outside . Sunscreen should then be reapplied as necessary and especially after swimming or excessive sweating . The American Cancer Society notes that sunburn that blisters can increase risk for skin cancer , but sunburns affect short-term health as well . Studies have shown that sunburn adversely affects immune system response , which could make people more vulnerable to viruses like COVID-19 or the common cold .
• Limit alcohol consumption . Social schedules tend to fill up in summer , as seemingly everyone wants to host a backyard barbecue . The party vibe synonymous with summer leads to increased opportunities to drink alcohol , but excessive amounts of alcohol and summer sun are a bad combination . According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism , hot summer days increase fluid loss through perspiration , while alcohol contributes to fluid loss through an increased need to urinate . Significant fluid loss can lead to dehydration and heat stroke .
• Eat the right foods . Summer is not typically as hectic a time of year as other seasons , particularly for parents accustomed to driving kids from one activity to another during the school year . But come summer , weekends filled with social engagements and a greater desire to be active outdoors can prove exhausting . The CDC notes that a diet filled with colorful fruits and vegetables supports muscles , strengthens bones and boosts immunity . That can make it easier to handle a physically active summer regimen and ensure that the immune system is in better position to fight off anything that may want to get in the way of summer fun .
• Get adequate sleep . What ’ s better than a midday summertime nap ? The answer to that is better sleep overnight . Adults should aspire to get between seven and eight hours of sleep each night , which can fortify their immune system and ensure they don ’ t miss out on any summertime fun . According to the Mayo Clinic , sleep deprivation can lead to decreased production of proteins known as cytokines , which are vital to fighting infection and inflammation . A healthy summer makes for a more enjoyable summer . By embracing various immune-boosting strategies , individuals can make this summer even more fun .
June 2023 SEKY - Life in Southeast Kentucky • 35