Segunda Edición - Mayo 21 del 2014 1 | Page 10

10 {frame-up against the United States } POR: JAIRO ROMERO - DISEC Today, the discussion of the UAV’s, their uses and the conflict that they are introducing didn’t end with a practical solution. Today the committee focused its entire discussion on the their function. Delegates such as Brazil, China, and North Korea based their arguments against the United States; they argue that the delegation of the United States used its UAV’s for personal actions such as killing terrorist in foreign countries, especially the delegation of North Korea which focused its explanation on attacking the United States. In addition, China tried to organize a frame-up to unify the nations that were against the military use of the UAV’s to increase its power on the committee and its influence on the world. Other nations like Brazil, with the use of drones as a protection method, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Venezuela made their part in giving arguments about why UAV’s must be used in different areas rather than the military area. On the contrary The United States and The United Kingdom tried to defend themselves. The United States stated that all the UAV’s where beneficial and at the same time dangerous to the civilians, but the disadvantages of the UAV’s can be in one way or another erased or reduced, using arguments such as the comparison between different type of weapons that are actually used today in the war world. These kinds of weapons are bombs, different chemical substances, planes and other aircrafts. This kind of arguments showed that the delegation of The United States was just trying to save his position. The United Kingdom defend itself fighting against other delegations with points of order and points of information, but at the end the argument of the United states create a real debate atmosphere. The main discussion turned around on why The United States used its drones for military purposes, why these uses or actions could be bad for the civilization, the countries like Pakistan their relationship with the other nations. Basically they focused their ideas in the meaning of the UAV’s which everyone knows what they are for, instead of searching a solution for the problem that countries like Pakistan where having with the actions of the United States in their territory involving the UAV’s implementation.