SEES Strategic Plan 2023-2028 | Page 20


Structures for Plan Implementation
Through a biannual , data-driven approach , assessment efforts aim to ensure the alignment of the division ’ s strategic goals with operational outcomes and promote greater accountability across administrative and auxiliary units . Assessment will center key performance indicators to evaluate goal attainment by tracking benchmarks for success . By leveraging comprehensive data analysis , the assessment process will foster continuous improvement and informed decision-making within the division .
Resource Alignment
Responsible resource allocation , particularly budgeting , is crucial for achieving the division ’ s strategic goals . This requires the evaluation of current practice to direct and realign resources toward key initiatives and priorities . Thoughtful and shared consideration of various factors , such as funding availability , organizational needs , and long-term sustainability will guide our budgetary decision making . These strategic budgeting practices will optimize the use of resources to drive progress . In this way , the division will effectively advance our mission .