dolor conse
We also managed to interview the Tutor of the 2nd Class of Administrative Management, Mr. Xavier Zamora, who answered some questions related to the subject of Business to the Classroom, a Matter with which the students prepare for their working life.
1. What did the experience seem like?
A very nice experience. He has been able to put into practice many of the day-to-day tasks of a job like that of an administrative one.
2. How would you evaluate the performance of the students?
Very good. I was very involved and wanted to work well. Despite some small mistake, I think you were doing a good job.
3. Do you think that a good role was made in the meeting point?
If. You were among the few students who made the effort to get information. And this other schools emphasized it. You gave a good business image.
4. Did you like the city of Bilbao?
A lot. I already knew her and I was just in the same hostel. Bilbao is a city that is very clean and has made a great effort to leave it so beautiful. We do not overlook its industrial tradition, but they give an image of modernity.
5. What rating would you rate in the class as representatives of the company?
The 10 is perfection. It lacked some security and ability to negotiate with other companies: The note would be a 9.
6. What would you change?
I would have liked some things:
- Have all been together for a little longer
-What could all come to?
-And even though the train is very comfortable, it is a journey that ends up getting tired.
Teacher Xavier Zamora