Security_4.0_by_Default-Growth_4.0_by_Design | Page 3

Serving ISVs and IDMs

CodeMeter is the all-in-one solution for monetizing software securely and effectively ,
made possible through the full integration of a vast range of systems , platforms , backoffice landscapes , and license containers .
Protecting Software Make sure that every license in the field is a license you sold .
CodeMeter Protection Suite stops software piracy and reverse engineering in its tracks by enabling software authenticity mechanisms , protecting its integrity and the intellectual assets contained within it , and robustly encrypting entire binaries or selected functions .
Managing Software Licenses Offer structured services with a versatile licensing strategy .
CodeMeter License Central makes easy work of creating , distributing , and managing licenses throughout the entire software lifecycle , supported by a powerful selection of licensing models and efficient integration with existing ERP , CRM , and e-commerce systems . Safeguarding IoT Devices Apply familiar PC technology to the industrial realm .
The CodeMeter universe includes specific variants for embedded devices , PLCs , and microcontrollers , designed to support the principal operating systems and architectures in the field and shield software and firmware downloads and upgrades from tampering . WIBU-SYSTEMS AG 3