Secrets Secrets | Page 11

This poll was conducted to a large number of students, where 53.8% of the respondents were women and 46.3% were men, we asked them who they live with, most live with their mothers, another great majority live with both mom and dad and a minimum part live with their father or grandparents.

They answered that their relationship with their family is good, that they have no problems with any member of their family, 81% have not had any type of physical or psychological aggression but 20% of the tested said that they have had domestic violence problems, it was also possible to see that 43% of the students would demand or attend professional help. We also could observe great knowledge about the subject. We are worried about the 20% who have suffered domestic violence because this should not happen to anyone.

Johan Quiroga, Fabián Vargas and Santiago Galindo.