Secret Health Tips for Pregnancy Women Secret Health Tips for Pregnancy Women | Page 3

Pregnancy is the best time to experience all the benefits of walking . Doing it is safe during the entire period - as long as there is not an excess and there is medical control. When you walk you feel more active and it is a routine of complete body exercise.

Are you taking advantage of its wonderful benefits?

1. Control the weight

Walking helps keep your weight and that of your baby under control. If the baby has an adequate weight, then labor will be easier.

2. Decrease the risk of gestational diabetes

When you walk you keep the weight under control and in that way you reduce the risk of developing gestational diabetes . High levels of blood sugar cause an increased risk of diabetes after childbirth.

3. Decrease the risk of having preeclampsia

The Preeclampsia is a complication that can arise during pregnancy. It happens when there is high pressure and an excess of protein in the urine.

When you walk you reduce cholesterol and balance the blood pressure level, decreasing the risk of having preeclampsia and therefore have a premature birth.

4. Reduce stress

A pregnant woman has sudden mood swings, can go from happiness to euphoria and sadness in a matter of minutes. These sudden changes can make you feel stressed, and walk-like any other exercise-releases endorphins , the "hormone of happiness," that will help you control mood and reduce stress.

5. Increase the Chances of a Normal Delivery

Walking during pregnancy increases flexibility and hip muscles. An excellent way to help the delivery is easy, fast and painless. Walking early in the morning is more useful for a natural birth .

5 Wonderful Benefits of Walking During Pregnancy

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