Second Edition | Page 9


Preconference Workshops

Monday ’ s preconference workshops require a separate registration and fee . Please inquire at registration regarding cost and availability .
PCW01 Back to Basics
8:00 – 11:30 a . m . Room : Alliance 317 Moderator : Chandra Mysore
Back to Basics enables attendees to prepare themselves for the full MTC . Ideal for first time attendees and those new to the field of membrane technology , Back to Basics gives the audience exposure to membrane experts and knowledge in a focused forum . In addition , participants in the afternoon will be able to see a full-scale membrane plant in operation during a site visit , scheduled for the afternoon .
PCW02 Membrane Cleaning : Cleaning Strategies for High and Low Pressure Membranes
8:00 – 11:30 a . m . Room : Alliance 313
Moderator : Michael Bourke
This workshop will provide an in-depth review of membrane system cleaning . Topics include cleaning strategies for low pressure ( MF / UF ) and high pressure ( NF / RO ) membranes , design of CIP systems for high- and low-pressure membranes and disposal of spent CIP solutions . Presentations will include case studies from full-scale installations and trouble-shooting membrane fouling for improved cleaning regimes . This workshop will also include a hands-on training component . Attendees will gain in-depth knowledge on membrane cleaning strategies from industry experts , including system owners .
PCW03 Potable Reuse : Membranes Role to Play 1:00 – 4:30 p . m . Room : Alliance 317
Moderator : Jason Diamond and Nathan Boyle
As water resources continue to be stretched , indirect and direct potable reuse is increasingly entering the picture to meet this critical need . This workshop focuses on the role membranes ( MBR , UF and RO ) will likely fill in the advanced treatment necessary to reliably achieve the quality for potable use , including attention to the development of real and practical integrity testing / confirmation for membranes used in these applications . This workshop provides the attendee with a detailed understanding of the variables which
impact membrane use , along with an understanding of the applicability of membrane integrity testing / confirmation in various applications , and a future state visionary workshop on what the future of integrity testing could hold . This workshop is ideal for experienced membrane professionals looking at the near future of potable reuse systems .
Monday ’ s tours require a separate registration and fee . Please inquire at registration regarding cost and availability .
The Southwest Water Reclamation Facility ( SWRF )
Bus loads at 8:45 a . m . and departs promptly at 9:00 a . m . ( T1 )
or , loads at 11:30 a . m . and departs promptly at 11:45 a . m . ( T2 )
The Southwest Water Reclamation Facility ( SWRF ) is the City of Henderson ’ s first satellite wastewater treatment facility , beginning operations in 2012 , it enables the City to support the community ’ s increasing wastewater treatment and reclaimed water distribution demands . The SWRF has the capacity to treat up to 8 million gallons per day ( mgd ). The SWRF treatment stages consist of a headworks to remove organics and solids , followed by an activated sludge process . A state-of-the-art membrane bioreactor provides separation and disinfection , producing a highly treated effluent . Treated water is chlorinated and distributed to reclaimed customers in the southwest part of the City .
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