Second Annotaded volume 2 | Page 8

It is weird that the person, who was always lying all the time, was the most honest one. This is what the plays deals about, the importance of being ourselves no matter if people believe or not what we are. The author of this article wanted to provide an argument of why it is important of being us. In this play, the social classes are defined in two; the high class people and low class people. Therefore, Oscar Wilde mocked of these divisions taking high class society as his main target because in this way he could prove that all people have almost the same trivial issues. That is why; this piece of paper is significant in the sense of exposing how societies were seen in this period of time. The direction of this article was to guide us to be honest with ourselves and with the others, no matter if we do not like the results of what we do; taking the self-being in literature as it was presented in The Importance of Being Earnest to evidence it.

In conclusion, this paradoxical interpretation of the character is going to be helpful in my topic because it explains how people can be portrayed such as good or bad even when they are not. The article has a lot of information not only from this book, this item arranges more material of how people can be perceived evil or not. As it was discussed in class, in that time, high class societies were the shapes of the Victorian era and they had to behave in impeccable manners. For the reason that, they were the patterns to follow in order to be decent and elegant. However, this plays shows the reality of what it was, these respectable people were not as appropriate as their inferiors, these people in Wilde´s perspective were worse than the low classes societies.