ISOVER and Weber offer an extensive experience in lightweight , great quality and high performance solutions – we offer our partners qualified technical assistance and provide a ready-made , optimal solution for your project .
ISOVER SeaComfort Floor Slab
ISOVER SeaComfort Floor Slab is primarily used for sound insulation in floating floor solutions . It can also be used for thermal insulation . The product is over 40 % lighter in weight compared to traditional solutions .
Properties : Excellent compressive strength and dynamic stiffness deliver outstanding sound insulation properties . The light-weight glass wool slab also provides exceptional thermal insulation .
Weber – more than just a range of superior floor screed solutions .
Weber offers a variety of superbly engineered systems and ideal solutions designed to meet each individual requirement . Weber ´ s complete portfolio consists of both lightweight and regular solutions to meet your needs . Our solutions are suitable for cabins , public areas , floor spaces , resins and more .
As weight saving is becoming increasingly important our lightweight products and solutions provide high performance and time-saving installation for more efficient and profitable operations .
Over 40 % lighter !
For futher information , please contact : Saint-Gobain Finland Oy Herkko Miettinen , herkko . miettinen @ saint-gobain . com
tekniset . isover . fi weber-marine . com