Seatec International Maritime Review 2/2022 | Page 10

Finland and Sweden have been considering a joint purchase of icebreakers for a couple of years now . In March 2020 , the Swedish Maritime Administration and the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency began collaborating on the design of a modern ice breaker concept .

Finland is thinking about getting 1 – 2 icebreakers and Sweden could order as many as three . It is no surprise that Sweden has its eye on more icebreakers than Finland , since the Swedish icebreaker fleet is also smaller . But the fact remains that both Sweden and Finland have outdated icebreaker fleets , and the next generation of icebreakers is required .

Presently , a lot of freight is being moved from road transport to ships , and , of course , a major part of Finnish and Swedish foreign trade is shipped by sea . The ports in the Gulf of Bothnia need to remain open and accessible all year round – so those icebreakers need to be ready to perform .
Finland and Sweden want to create a different type of icebreaker that is able to
Maintenance of Multi-Purpose Icebreaker Nordica at RMC ’ s shipyard in Rauma , Finland .
10 seatec 2 / 2022