Seatec - International Maritime Review 1/2022 | Page 7


22 Costa Toscana
28 Maritime automation systems to enhance safety and security Shipping is in the process of becoming increasingly automated . New technologies can be helpful in making future maritime traffic more energy-efficient , non-polluting , and safer than before . Still , automation has its risks , especially if ship control systems are not properly protected against cyber-attacks .


34 Around the world in 274 days In days gone by , Jules Verne ’ s literary heroes managed to travel around the globe in 80 days . To celebrate the end of the pandemic ( hopefully , at least ) in 2023 , the cruise line Royal Caribbean intends to break the record in a different way , offering a 9-month around-the-world luxury cruise . Finland will be one of the countries along the itinerary .
38 Finnish Marine Industries
39 Company Directory seatec 1 / 2022 7