Seatec - International Maritime Review 1/2022 | Page 33

photo : ONE SEA
security , resulting in weak links in the cyber protection firewalls .
Cyber-attacks on the guidance systems of autonomous or remotely controlled ships might result in entire vessels with their cargo being hijacked by modern-day pirates . Alternatively , such attacks might cause navigation errors possibly resulting in shipwrecks or serious oil leaks . rity has not necessarily kept pace with the progress .
There has been an increase in cyberattacks since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic . Experts warn that the cyber challenge is bigger for existing ships than it is for newer vessels that are purposely built to withstand cyber-attacks .
According to a recent One Sea report on ship automation and safety , maritime cyber security is affected by factors including – but not limited to – connectivity , artificial intelligence , situational awareness , sensors , digital health management , energy management and the environment , and the adoption of digital twin technology . A clear understanding of how data is transferred is essential for recognising and limiting potential risks .
Some shipping companies have been known to have adopted rigorous cyber security strategies and even to employ a team of hacking specialists , working round the clock to identify weak points in their systems . However , many other companies have more casual attitudes towards cyber
Apart from these obvious motives , there are other reasons for current maritime cyber-attacks . Organised criminals are known to have utilised ransomware attacks to close down the computer and data systems of various kinds of companies , in order to extort money in exchange of opening up the systems again .
Shipping companies can be highly vulnerable to such attacks . In the case of container ships carrying perhaps 20,000 or more containers each , the loss of data detailing the contents , owners and positions of on-board containers could obviously cause a lot of confusion , or even lead to disruption of shipping operations . Many ransomware attacks are not being reported to authorities since negative corporate publicity could lead to loss of customers .
Furthermore , hostile states resorting to various kinds of hybrid warfare have increasingly become ” the usual suspects ” in sophisticated cyber-attacks of all sorts , possibly targeting the control systems of cargo ships , offshore oil-drilling platforms , or even warships of other nations .
In the words of the recent annual report from the Finnish counterintelligence : clandestine operators of non-democratic states tend to have a wider range of operational tricks at their disposal than the more legitimate military and intelligence services of democratic countries usually have . n seatec 1 / 2022 33