factors but also by intentional jamming or cyber-attacks carried out by criminals or hostile nations .
One Sea , the industry alliance promoting and developing autonomous ship technology , has in recent times researched into various aspects of ship safety and autonomous technology . The alliance consists of a number of competent partners : ABB , Cargotec , Ericsson , Finnpilot , Fintraffic , Haltian , Inmarsat , Kongsberg , MTI , Napa , TietoEVRY and Wärtsilä , plus DIMECC , a Finnish innovation hub specialising in industrial digitalisation . photo : PIXABAY photo : PIXABAY
Automation offers possibilites to improve the safety of navigation .
The Finnish Shipowners ’ Association is one of the participants of the international One Sea alliance that is striving to enable commercial autonomous maritime traffic by 2025 . The aim is to create better conditions for making shipping significantly safer and more energy-efficient .
” We have been in cooperation with One Sea for a few years now . Maritime automation is important for the shipping industry . It has a lot of development potential ,” notes Ms . Sinikka Hartonen , Head of Environment and Technology at the Finnish Shipowners ’ Association .
” Automation offers possibilities to improve the safety of navigation but it also creates much-needed tools to cut emissions and to make sea transportation even more environmentally efficient than it is today ,” she continues .
” Onboard automation has existed for many years already but its use is constantly increasing . This does not mean that ships would need to be autonomous or remotely controlled . The first step and the main priority is that technological innovations should be taken into use to assist seafarers in decision-making by e . g . offering improved situational awareness .”
Many potential technologies already exist and could be taken into use , but it is important that their safety is ensured by further tests and pilot projects .
” The shipowners wish to promote and participate in projects that will help to understand the potential of the automation and how it could best be used in a safe and secure way ,” Hartonen points out .
According to recent research by One Sea alliance , shipowners could make good use of autonomous technology to support maritime decarbonisation efforts , now that the need for preventing the adverse effects
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