Seatec - International Maritime Review 1/2022 | Page 19

projects for electrically-powered vessels in the near future .
Additionally , Finland is participating in Denmark ’ s initiative that aims to implement totally greenhouse-gas-free sea transports by the year 2050 .
In some estimates , maritime transport emits approximately 940 million tons of
carbon dioxide emissions annually . Fifteen of the largest mega-ships alone cause as much air pollution as 760 million cars . International shipping is responsible for 87 percent of CO 2 emissions in shipping .
Emissions from shipping mainly include sulphur dioxides ( SOx ), nitrogen dioxides ( NOx ), particular matter ( PM ) and carbon dioxide ( CO 2
). Additionally , pollution of seas can be caused by ballast water , waste , plus oil and chemical spills .
Statistically , ships from three flag states – Panama , China and Liberia – are causing the largest CO 2 emissions in shipping : 35 percent of the total for all three combined .
Luckily , there is significant potential to reduce shipping emissions cost-effectively . This can be obtained by both technical and operational measures .
The International Maritime Organization is taking steps to reduce greenhouse
photo : PEXELS

In some estimates , maritime transport emits approximately 940 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually . seatec 1 / 2022 19