eriturva Maritime Safety Training Centre aims at improving safety at sea by
offering a vast selection of fire and survival training both for professional and
amateur seafarers. Meriturva consists of two units, fire training unit in Upinniemi and
survival training unit in Lohja.
At Meriturva we conduct STCW and GWO safety courses for maritime profes-
sionals and HUET for helicopter crews by highest standards. We train over 4000 peo-
ple every year. Our learning facilities are among the finest in the world. We make the
simulation even more realistic bringing the maritime disaster into a controlled pro-
cess. That means training in a thrilling but always a safe way.
Our Fire Training unit offers certified basic and advanced fire training for mari-
ners – our main clientele consists of professional seafarers. Some courses are tailor-
made to match customer-specific needs.
The superb facilities and authentic equipment of Survival Training unit in Lohja
offer a safe way to gain important survival skills. Our 43x27 meter training pool is
equipped with adjustable wind, waves, lightning and sound effects, amazingly realis-
tic and challenging. Our HUET and winching helicopter trainers have been a success,
trainees coming from many countries like Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, UK and
Norway. For GWO we have a full schedule of courses including new ART-modules. n
More information:
In the picture rescue diver training at Lohja unit.
IMO 2020 sulphur limit implementation
– carriage ban enters into force
onsistent implementation of the IMO 2020 regulation which the North Sea area; the North American area (covering designated
limits sulphur in ships fuel oil is enhanced from 1 March coastal areas off the United States and Canada); and the United
2020, with the entry into force of a rule to ban the carriage of States Caribbean Sea area (around Puerto Rico and the United
non-compliant fuel oil. States Virgin Islands)). n
The IMO 2020 regulation limits sulphur in ships’ fuel oil to
a maximum 0.50%. The regulation has been in force globally
since 1 January 2020, under IMO’s MARPOL treaty, with benefits
for the environment and human health from a reduction in sul-
phur oxides in the air.
The complementary International Convention for the Pre-
vention of Pollution form ships (MARPOL) amendment prohibits
the carriage of non-compliant fuel oil for combustion purposes
for propulsion or operation on board a ship – unless the ship
has an approved exhaust gas cleaning system (“scrubber”) fitted.
The amendment does not change in any way the 0.50%
limit which has been in force since 1 January 2020. It is intended
as an additional measure to support consistent implementation
and compliance and provide a means for effective enforcement
by States, particularly port State control.
In designated emission control areas, the maximum sulphur
limit in fuel oil is 0.10 % (the four ECAs are: the Baltic Sea area;
seatec 2020
Consistent implementation of the IMO 2020 regulation which limits
sulphur in ships fuel oil is enhanced from 1 March 2020, with the
entry into force of a rule to ban the carriage of non-compliant fuel oil.