The vision of the Finnish maritime industry is to make every ship even big and demanding projects are able
smart by 2025. By applying digital technology, the marine cluster to finish on time – which is something that
has vast opportunities to e.g. raise the level of safety in maritime
operations and support sustainable transport at sea.
the customers have really come to depend
on and appreciate,” she says.
The other thing Andersson men-
tions is the decades-long culture of work-
he marine prowess is, of course, is omy. The companies in the Finnish marine ing together to achieve the best results.
linked to the digital development of cluster have both the experience and the “Collaboration in the marine industries
the surrounding society. Finland is already expertise to steer the global industry into has always been of great importance,
a global forerunner in developing digital the future. and the role of broad cooperation has
only increased recently,” she believes. As
solutions with world-leading capabilities in
artificial intelligence, sensoring and wire- DELIVERING THE GOODS the Finnish marine cluster features around
less technology – and during the 2020’s, Elina Andersson, Secretary General of the 1,000 companies – big and small, from all
the e-volution should only increase its Finnish Marine Industries, says that the around the country – this really is a remark-
momentum. competitive edge of the Finnish maritime able ecosystem with a dynamic mindset.
The track record so far is pretty solid:
for example, in 2017, the Digital Economy
has a lot to do with perfecting the pro-
and Society Index ranked Finland as the “We have real project management
EU’s second most advanced digital econ- excellence in the industry. This means that
seatec 2020
“From this ecosystem, we see that
new startups are emerging, bringing for-
ward innovations which benefit the entire
industry,” she adds.