seatec - Finnish marine technology review 2020 | Page 32

R auma Marine Constructions’ order book surpassed 1 billion euros in 2019. Business is booming at the Rauma shipyard. Other sections of the Finnish marine industry are also doing pretty well, with the revenue increased by nearly 10 percent in 2018. Currently, the Rauma shipyard is in the process of constructing car and pas- senger ferries, as well as government ves- sels. Even further projects are on the hori- zon. ” Wasaline’s new ferry is under construction at RMC shipyard. MULTIPURPOSE CORVETTES ORDERED FOR THE NAVY The new vessels will eventually Multipurpose corvettes are by def- In late September of 2019, the Finn- replace seven other naval ships. Their inition capable of combat against sur- ish Defence Forces and RMC shipyard in final design is already underway in Rauma. face vessels and submarines, as well as Rauma signed a contract for building four Shipbuilding work will be started in 2022, of anti-aircraft activity. They can also take new navy corvettes. The contract is worth with deliveries to the Finnish navy to be command of various types of naval oper- almost 700 million euros. completed by 2028. ations. 32 seatec 2020