We have started a new
is now the sole owner, the problem has
ceased to exist, leaving the shipyard free
to plot its future.
In the 2020’s Rotkirch believes he will
be running a sizeable shipyard with 500–
1,000 employees. “The number of sub-
chapter in the operation
of the shipyard.
contractors is pretty big, reaching as much business – and once you build the first ves- old industry veteran was headed for retire-
as 500 people at times.” sel, the next one is much more simple to ment a couple of years ago, when he was
put together. approached about a new gig: how would
Building these Luxury Cruise Expedi-
tion Vessels, there will be plenty of room The shipyard believes that despite cli-
for the Finnish marine cluster to come in mate change, arctic expertise will be in
and contribute, for example in furnishing great demand in the coming years.
he like to help Helsinki shipyard get back
on its feet?
“I thought that it’s definitely worth
the cabins. “The Finnish supplier network “For example, there is need in the a shot,” he laughs. This way an event-
is world-class, so we’re obviously looking market for small luxury cruisers that sail the ful career in marine – that started back in
to deploy that.” Arctic – as well as traditional ‘work horses’ 1976 – moves into its sixth decade. Listen-
with the ability to break through the ice.” ing to Rotkirch, it is clear that he still has
Rotkirch explains that the shipyard play-
plenty of gas left in the tank:
“Going forward with our new oper-
book prefers landing a duo or trio of ships If the comeback of the shipyard comes as ations, we will be in a tight spot for some
to single vessel orders: building a series of surprise, CEO Rotkirch is experiencing a time, but I believe that we can turn things
ships means that there is continuity in the “second act” of sorts, too. The 70-year- around by 2021,” he says. n
seatec 2020 27