Green Voyage 2050 – agreement signing.
Ship owners els, to less developed options such as car-
have a long list lists, while advising not to forget about
of alternative clean fuel
options to choose from.
bon free hydrogen and ammonia,” Kaljala
wind power, either.
“Wind propulsion is a leading de-
carbonization technology. However, it
receives limited consideration in sustaina-
ble shipping discussions,” he says.
Bureau Veritas are playing a significant role
in supporting the development of IMO reg-
ulations, as well as industry standards for
design, operation and bunkering.
cation of different cleaner fuel solutions, options to choose from on the road to a “We are involved in various joint
with some of them posing substantial chal- carbon-free future, each with their own industry projects to assess technical fea-
lenges to ship design,” he assesses. advantages and challenges. sibility and safety risks of alternative fuels
“From increasingly common LNG – considering both thermal engines and
ALTERNATIVES EMERGING solutions, via fuels that could play a role fuel cells. We also support forerunners in
Kaljala observes that today, ship owners in the future such as Liquefied Petroleum developing and completing projects,” says
have a long list of alternative clean fuel Gas (LPG), electricity, methanol and biofu- Kaljala. n
seatec 2020