Consilium Safety Systems
Fire detection Gas detection
Environment Safety management
Sampling, Point
Smoke, Heat,
Flame, Oil mist
Emission monitoring
Interactive Graphics
(SMiG), Emergency
Remote services Navigation equipment
Leakage Alarm
System Cable Penetration
Remote playback,
Remote diagnostics
Consilium Marine Oy
Tel: +358 10 281 9100
[email protected]
Voyage data recorder,
Speed log, Echo sounder
Oy Nauti Electronics Ab
Tel: +35853172911
[email protected]
When Safety Matters
lation, he noted. “Infrastructure develop- the IMO’s vision of a carbon-free shipping a corresponding benefit for carbon emis-
ments and investment decisions also need industry by the end of the century. sions reduction.
to be made collaboratively,” he said, call- The commitment to reduce the rate ing for cross-sectorial R&D initiatives as of global fleet emissions by 40 percent BILLION DOLLAR QUESTION
well as new transferable and scalable tech- is the outcome of a collaborative pro- At present, cruise lines work with scientists
nologies. cess designed to build consensus among and engineers to develop cutting edge,
cruise line leadership. Progress toward the sustainable environmental innovations and
CRUISE LINES ANSWER 40 percent target will be measured against practices, investing $1 billion in new tech-
THE CALL a 2008 fleet baseline, and emissions rates nologies and cleaner fuels. Among these
While cruise ships comprise far less than will be calculated based on the industry advancements, the industry has designed
1 percent of the global maritime commu- fleet’s total carbon emissions, total ship and installed exhaust gas cleaning systems
nity, cruise lines have been at the forefront berths and total distance traveled. (EGCS) on ships to reduce emissions by as
in developing responsible environmental According to CLIA, the reduction will practices and innovative technologies. In be fueled by innovative technologies for Cruise lines will also implement Ship
December 2018, the Cruise Lines Interna- energy efficiency in ship design and pro- Energy Management Plans for route plan-
tional Association (CLIA) announced a his- pulsion. The industry’s first liquified natu- ning and maintenance to reduce fuel con-
toric global cruise industry commitment to ral gas (LNG)-powered ship was launched sumption and carbon emissions. According
reduce the rate of carbon emissions across in 2018, and some 25 such ships could to plan, energy efficient design standards
the industry fleet by 40 percent by 2030. be operating by 2025. While LNG ships will reduce CO 2 emissions by 30 percent
Furthermore, CLIA very much aspires to principally address pollution, there is also by 2025.
much as 98 %.
seatec 2020 19