proved to be a false alarm and passengers
were allowed to go onshore the next day.
Meanwhile, the work never stands still in
Turku – and another ship already com-
menced hull assembly at the shipyard.
The work never stands
still in Turku.
The ‘French Quarter’ will have New “ After all, it’s the big experience that
On 24 January, the hull assembly phase Orleans-inspired cocktail bars and restau- people are after, ranging from good food
of Carnival Mardi Gras, a 180,000 gross rants, at Lido pool area passengers are able and great service to various special enter-
tonnage cruise ship, was celebrated with to enjoy fun in the sun… and at the heart tainment features.”
the traditional coin ceremony at Meyer of the ship there is Grand Central, a large In addition, Carnival Mardi Gras is
Turku shipyard. open three-deck space for entertainment benefiting from Meyer Turku’s 200-million-
Degerman explains that Mardi Gras and relaxing. A special feature of Grand euros investment program. The steel halls
is the second LNG powered cruise ship Central, one that will really connect the at the shipyard are going through a major
being built at Meyer Turku and will have passengers to the sea, is its floor-to-ceil- rebuilding phase with new machines and
many interesting attractions, including six ing glass front, a complex feat of design IT systems, but also new processes to build
themed zones. ‘Ultimate Playground’, for and engineering skill. the ships with newly trained employees.
instance, will have water slides, a ropes
Already the shipyard’s automated
course and the world’s very first roller- EXPERIENCE IS STILL KING steel pre-treatment facility and storage
coaster onboard a ship. Named after the legendary New Orleans have been up and running for some time
“Putting a rollercoaster on a ship is carnival, “Mardi Gras on seas” should and supporting the steel construction of
certainly a new feature and guaranteed be as lively as the party back on land in Mardi Gras. More of the benefits will mate-
to make a big impact,” Degerman grins. Louisiana. rialize later this year. n
seatec 2020