Things have
rarely looked as
good as they presently
do in Turku.
roject Director Tom Degerman says BIG & BEAUTIFUL Costa Group, Esmeralda is a part of an
that in the coming years, the shipyard Many industry veterans have commented entire agenda as the company has invested
will put out a large cruise ship every eight that Smeralda is one the most beautiful in the construction of five new LNG ships.
months. There are still ways to go before ships ever built at the shipyard. The cruise that target has been reached, however. ship is also the single biggest ship Turku SMART SAILOR
has produced, since the Allure of the Seas One could also call Costa Smeralda a sen-
back in 2010. sational seaborne “smart city”. Apart
“Further upgrades and investments
are needed to fully realize ‘a ship every
eight months’ process,” Degerman notes. “It’s almost as big as Allure, and, in from LNG, the ship incorporates a series
“For instance, there has been large my mind, truly a technological marvel on of cutting-edge innovations designed to
scale investments to our block production. the seas,” comments Degerman who has further reduce environmental impact.
We are now seeing the effects of those 20 years of experience from calling the The daily water requirement is achieved
investments.” shots in such projects. directly from the sea, thanks to the ship’s
Nevertheless, things have rarely – if What makes her so special in the hi- desalination systems. Energy consump-
ever – looked as good as they presently do tech department, then? – First of all, the tion is reduced to minimum by using LED
in Turku. In December 2019, a significant newcomer showcases “the green wave” lights, recovering the heat generated by
milestone was reached as the 180,000 GT of the industry as it’s being powered by the engines, the particular shape of the
Costa Smeralda was delivered to the client, LNG. The usage of LNG as fuel cuts down hull designed to significantly reduce drag
Costa Cruises. Smeralda sailed to Barce- all small particles and sulfur oxide emis- in the water, and new generation eleva-
lona where she promptly started making sions and significantly reduces nitrogen tors that recover energy by re-introducing
the rounds in the Mediterranean. oxide and CO 2 emissions of the ship. For it into the electricity system.
seatec 2020