The main
more, 3D printing could be used for pro-
ducing some of the materials.
Another special feature in the con-
in increased cept ship is the hull’s bionic design that
automation is not dant.
to cut down the challenge. They are already in use aboard
workforce. not yet been used in shipbuilding.”
makes traditional beam structures redun-
”Structural designs of this kind are a
a number of Airbus aircraft but they have
Flapping foils, inspired by dolphins,
are being considered to replace less effi-
cient traditional propellers.
”Once the mechanical parts are
designed properly to avoid loss of energy,
this type of solution has potential for
obtaining better efficiency than with tra-
”New types of fuels will probably be
inconvenient to store – and are liable to
take up a lot of storage space onboard –
ditional propellers. The solution is also flex-
ible since propulsion can be angled freely
in any direction.”
so the new ship needs to be highly energy-
efficient,” he points out.
The energy demand of the vessel
was cut by approximately 70 percent by The overall length of the new ship is esti-
eliminating energy and operational waste. mated to be slightly under 200 metres. The
Small amounts of waste may be stored on ship is to have a carrier capacity of 8,000
board for later in-port disposal. The min- car-equivalent units.
imised energy demand enables emission- ”The ship will be wider and she will
free operation. Surplus cooling energy can have a lower profile than current vessels.
be utilised in air-conditioning. However, the ship’s speed will be approx-
What’s more, the upper side of the
imately the same,” Aminoff expects.
ship will be covered by 9,000 square ”While the new ship will have a crew
metres of solar panels, providing 15 per- onboard, the number of personnel will be
cent of the ship’s energy demand. reduced. Some operations will be remotely
”In modern hull design, ensuring controlled. The ship’s autonomous fea-
ship stability is usually an issue. For our tures will improve safety. The main idea
design concept, we assume that stability in increased automation is not to cut down
can be maintained by utilising active pon- the workforce.”
toons on each side and gyro stabilisers,
rather than resorting to using ballast.”
New techniques for cargo handling
are also being considered.
”Additionally, the new ship is to be ”The idea is that part of the cargo
equipped with floaters on the sides of the could be transferred directly aboard other
hull. They will normally remain above sea ships – i.e. without utilising feeder vessels
level but can be used for ensuring ship – once the cargo ship has reached its des-
safety in the case of a power blackout,” tination. This procedure would reduce the
Aminoff explains. need for additional traffic within the port,”
Aminoff suggests.
”If the entire logistics chain can be
The hull design is to be optimised for synchronised, it will be possible to opti-
reducing the ship’s own weight. For this mise energy consumption at the port.
purpose, durable lightweight materials will Obviously, this would also require further
be chosen for hull construction. Further- development of port infrastructure.” n
seatec 2/2019