is becoming
a key method of creating
competitive edge.
In connection to the float-out, Neil building for several years now, with already of 3,0 % for the year, and that money
Palomba, President of Costa Cruises, two delivered LNG ships under its belt. is already earmarked to fueling the cur-
commented that as LNG brings a “break- Still, LNG is only one area where big rent production ramp up of the shipyard.
through in fuel technology,” Costa improvements are presently made, adds Meyer Turku is aiming to double its pro-
Smeralda represents a major innovation Hänninen. duction in the next four years to meet the
for the international market and an impor- “With regards to energy efficiency in
tant step toward setting new standards general, there’s a lot we can still achieve
for the entire sector. Palomba added that as the recent advances in technology are
Costa Group will continue to make “sus- considerable,” she points out.
tainable tourism” a key part of its indus-
demands of its bulging order book (seven
large cruise ships).
In addition, Meyer Turku wants to
recruit 500 new employees by 2023. The
Sustainability clearly extends to the company is also looking to ensure that
economic considerations as well: Meyer the personnel’s unique know-how passes
Turku Group achieved a solid financial on to new employees and is educating
SUSTAINABILITY 360 result in 2018, with turnover growing from 20 new mentors every year to make sure
Meyer Turku, on the other hand, has been 808,2 million euros to 969,7 million. The that the transfer of relevant knowledge is
spearheading the LNG revolution in ship shipyard also managed to show a profit a successful one.
try leadership.
seatec 2/2019