well as tailored products,” says Hyt-
“Our projects right now are all agreed upon timeframe is obviously a key
located in Finland, but we do work glob- concern and we have good track record
ally with projects in various countries.” on that side, too.”
MASTERING HYDRAULICS Most recently, Averfin has been busy in – ALSO GLOBALLY the Netherlands installing hydraulics pipe SMALL TEAM, BIG EXPERTISE
Presently, the company is engaged in systems on barges. Sometimes the Averfin crew really has to
developing guidance systems for marine The company’s forte lies in design- go “the extra mile,” since the core team is
winches and hydraulics pipe systems and ing and building large hydraulics systems a relatively small one. “We have five peo-
their remote automation systems, says Hyt- where there is a lot of oil being consumed ple in our hydraulics and machine electri-
tinen. and high pressure involved. “In addition, fication design team,” says Hyttinen. The
we are a highly flexible organisation with size of the installation team, on the other
low hierarchy – meaning, in essence, that hand, varies from project to project.
we can respond to customer’s changing Hyttinen credits her design team for
plans quite rapidly, with little or no extra being a tight-knit group that is constantly
cost,” explains Hyttinen. coming up with innovative ways to serve
the customers. One emerging area of busi-
ness is safety:
The making of hi-tech hydraulics and guid- “We are making adjustments to our
ance systems for maritime still has its share hydraulics systems so that they are able
of challenges. Hyttinen says that the selec- to spot people who have entered, for one
tion and availability of high quality com- reason or another, onto the safety zone
ponents is always an issue: and are therefore in danger.”
“There are classifications and other
demands that add to the component chal- NEVER STOP RUNNING
lenge. When there are special components According to Hyttinen, technology in the
involved, this can mean longer delivery maritime is now advancing so quickly –
times which calls for planning in advance and on various fronts – that suppliers need
and being mindful of the timeline of the to educate and re-educate themselves over
project,” she says. and over again.
From the point of view of the client, “Our team is constantly participating
of course, the quality of the work and in various training to make sure that they
expedient delivery are the most impor- have the appropriate skills and knowledge
tant factors. “Making deliveries within the at their disposal,” she says. n
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