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cation solutions and situational pictures
include the 5G programme, set to con-
clude at the end of 2019, and the recently
initiated New Space Economy programme.
According to Moilanen, the hefty roster
of the Arctic Seas programme offers clear
proof that Finland is – indeed – a major
global power in Arctic maritime. “We do
have diverse expertise and a strong future-
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The period
was marked
by rapid changes.
which is nearly €40 million. A significant DIGITAL FOOTPRINT
At the beginning of the programme, proportion of these projects are producing In addition to energy efficiency, another
one of the main ideas was zeroing in on various solutions that increase energy effi- over-all theme was digitalisation. The
solutions that reduce emissions. Therefore, ciency – and the need to develop energy- objective here was to accelerate the devel-
one of the programme’s targets was to efficient solutions is still growing. opment of data platforms, for example, as
orientation in this field.”
use cleantech in order to create compet- “The new Smart Energy programme, well as remotely operated and automated
itive advantage for the Finnish maritime kicked off in 2017, invites developers of solutions that support proactivity. Digital-
cluster. the maritime cluster’s energy solutions isation is also useful in bringing relief in
According to Moilanen, the Clean- to join the programme. The programme challenging