seatec - Finnish marine technology review 2/2016 | Page 12

Large organisations face the challenge of making sure that the subcontractors are being responsible in addition to being capable. their subcontractors to use audited quality systems if the company’s own project management and quality control are deemed to be of sufficiently high standard. Offshore industry marches to a different drum. For instance, Technip’s Pori operations insist on subcontractors having quality systems and standards in place: normally there won’t even be a deal without a ISO9001 certificate. In the report, a “ The dynamics of maritime innovation have changed a lot in recent times. have a role in establishing the minimum clearly benefit from a “cross-over” certifi- to be ‘especially important’ also by Rolls requirements in the industry. However, she cation system: a small supplier could, say, Royce and Steerprop. Both of these com- feels that the classification societies should place a bid for various projects and deliver- panies have their own audit teams which be able to streamline their demands and ies that are certified by different agencies, verify and document (together with the be able to accept also certificates awarded without the fear of being pushed aside. suppliers) the quality of the deliveries. by competitors: “Renewal is needed also in this field ability of certification is something that SILO MENTALITY WOES in order to make sure that we have a com- has not yielded any benefits or compet- Merja Salmi-Lindgren, Managing Director petitive, safe marine sector without exces- itive edge. Constructive collaboration is of the Finnish Marine Industries, points out sive bureaucracy,” Salmi-Lindgren says. needed by all parties involved, also with quality system and audits were assessed that the certificates for devices/materials 10 seatec 2/2016 In addition, subcontractors would “Unfortunately, the mutual accept- regards to certifications and regulation.”