seatec - Finnish marine technology review 2/2014 | Page 28

were also strong in marine industry. They ”In all, our combine now consists of ”Some service providers are becom- were followed by other European coun- three repair yards, one shipyard that sup- ing more versatile than before. Some are tries, and currently the centre of gravity is ports shipbuilding, plus several other mar- closing down for good.” in the region of China, South-Korea, and itime companies,” Marttinen states. ”Finland’s strengths in the com- ”For our operations, the percentage petition are commitment to this line of ”It goes without saying that compa- of Finnish customers used to be higher business, unique value network business nies operating from Finland should keep than now. Today, 40 to 45 percent of our models, plus service quality and new inno- their share of the expanding international customers are Finnish. Our other custom- vations. Then again, another economic market,” Marttinen suggests. ers are mainly Estonian, Russian, Swedish, downturn might be fatal for a number of and Dutch.” companies.” Japan.” TOUGH COMPETITION ”The operation of repair yards has At Turku Repair Yard – now owned by BLRT always largely been a local service busi- Grupp, a North European international ness for the Baltic Sea region.” Still, chances for a serious downturn are not all that high. ”The world trade seems to be on marine business operator – new global In Mr. Marttinen’s view, the field the way up. Consequently, the number of trends have resulted in the forthcoming of competition is in a constant state of maritime transports is bound to increase,” integration of certain operational areas. change. Marttinen says. 26 seatec 2/2014