seatec - Finnish marine technology review 2/2014 | Page 19

to that network, if their bids proved to And now, after several months of about one billion euros. A distinguishing be competitive from the price angle,” she hard work, over 20 Finnish companies factor here is that there are Finnish com- analyses the starting point. have signed contracts with St. Nazaire. panies both big and small involved in the And despite the fact that block welding project, ranging from listed companies to MAKE THE PITCH for the ship began in September, there are much smaller businesses with high-focus After the initial contact and positive feed- still ongoing negotiations. Lainio says that niche expertise. back from the shipyard, Finpro got busy there are still rather large entities on the organising visits for the Finnish subcon- table to be talked about over the sum- METSO MAKES IT AUTOMATIC tractor companies – and over 60 Finnish mer. The French are in no rush to close One of the bigger companies – and more companies came over to St. Nazaire to tell the remaining contracts, since there is still recent additions to the ranks – is Metso the French what they can do for the pro- plenty of time left in the clock: Oasis 3 is who secured a contract from STX France ject. Finpro also helped these companies to not due for delivery until May, 2016. in March. Metso will supply an advanced cope with an alien business environment, Finpro estimates that the Finnish sub- vessel-wide automation system, including guiding them to follow the local opera- contractors have a chance to grab deliver- sophisticated energy management solu- tional models and to take account of cor- ies totalling well over 100 million euros in tions, to Oasis 3. porate and social responsibilities. the project that has an over-all price tag of This deal was to be expected in seatec 2/2014 17