seatec - Finnish marine technology review 2/2013 | Page 17

T he main mission for the pair is to sup- tremely high, as it is able to operate inde- same rather exclusive club as Chirikov and ply the Arkutun-Dagi oil and gas pro- pendently in ice 1.7 meter thick. Vitus. duction platform and to protect it from Esko Mustamäki, Managing Director the ice. The vessel type has been designed of Arctech Helsinki Shipyard, points out NORTH RISES AGAIN for extreme environmental conditions and that 99 % of supply ships out there op- Both vessels for Sovcomflot are similar will be operating in thick drifting ice in erate on open seas, with no ice in sight. measuring 99.9 m in length and 21.7 m temperatures as cold as minus 35 C°. The For example, SCF Sakhalin – delivered by in breadth. Their four engines have the to- icebreaking capability of the vessel is ex- Helsinki shipyard in 2005 – belongs to the tal power of 18 000 kW and the propul- Arctech Helsinki Shipyard – specialises in arctic shipbuilding technology – 50/50 joint venture owned by STX Finland Oy and Russian United Shipbuilding Corporation – joint venture agreement signed December 2010 – located in Helsinki – approximately 400 employees seatec 2/2013 15