seatec - Finnish marine technology review 2/2012 | Page 38

SPECIALISED ICE-BREAKERS Another important junction for mar- In Russia, maritime cluster campaign- itime transports is the port of Murmansk ing is advancing rapidly. United Shipbuild- AND LIGHTWEIGHT FREIGHTERS that is free from ice. The importance of this ing – incorporating the combined forces of Hernesniemi believes that Aker Arctic Tech- district will increase within the next few shipyards in Northwest and Far-East Russia nology has top-notch expertise in the do- years as Russia has new plans for exploiting – has recruited Finnish shipyards to partic- main of maritime technology worldwide. natural resources in the northern regions. ipate in the finalisation of the ships under According to Hernesniemi, Russia construction. “For one thing, Aker Arctic Technology has designed a series of specialised ice- will have a need for specialised vessels “At present, United Shipbuilding is in breakers intended for use in maritime traf- designed for use in the arctic region, al- the process of building two specialised ves- fic in Russia’s arctic regions. The first one so in the future. sels, for which the hulls will be assembled of the vessels was built at Helsinki ship- “In this field, Finland and Russia in Vyborg. The Helsinki shipyard will deliv- yard in 2005–2006 and the rest of them have a lot of potential for cooperation. er various components to be installed into in Germany. Such ships are being used, Of course, cooperation between shipyards the hulls. At the final stage, the ships will for instance, to transport copper and nick- is a prominent possibility, with Arctech Hel- be brought to Helsinki for the final equip- el from the mining town of Norilsk Nick- sinki Shipyard having a key role. The own- ment installations,” explains Hernesniemi. el and to bring back foodstuffs and other requisites.” ership of this shipyard is divided between “Another ship currently under con- Korean STX Finland and the Russian com- struction is the so-called triangular ice- “This type of vessel is capable of pany United Shipbuilding. The shipyard breaker, capable of sailing sideways. The breaking ice of a thickness of up to 1.7 concentrates on building specialised ves- hull for this ship is now being built in Ka- metres, while sailing backwards. At open sels for use in arctic areas but it also con- liningrad but the final installations will be sea, the vessel will sail straight ahead. structs other types of ships as the sched- carried out in Helsinki. These are but a few There are also plans to construct a vessel ule allows.” of the current shipyard projects.” capable of breaking winter ice that has 36 seatec 2/2012