he planning of the Tallink Shuttle ship, Jyrki Heinimaa, CEO, Rauma Marine the previous vessel built at Rauma ship-
which will operate on the Helsinki- Constructions, says that the recruitment yard, was completed in 2009 and operates
of more employees is already underway. nowadays on the Tallinn-Stockholm route.
Tallinn route, will start in spring 2019 and
building will commence in 2020. The ves- “This is outstanding news for ship- According to Heinimaa, Tallink has
sel will be delivered to Tallink at the end building in Rauma. RMC’s four-year jour- always shown appreciation for the ship-
of 2021. ney has been consistent and the letter of building expertise in Rauma. “This is an
The new vessel is the biggest new- intent with Tallink represents a natural con- opportunity for us to utilise our longstand-
build order as of yet for RMC. The passen- tinuation of our development,” he says, ing experience and to help steer the ship
ger capacity of the ship will be 2,800 peo- estimating the order’s impact on employ- traffic between Finland and Estonia in a
ple. According to the company, the newest ment to total around 1,500 person-years. more environmentally friendly direction,”
technology and innovative solutions will Over the years, Rauma shipyard has be utilised in the design phase to ensure built a total of four vessels for Tallink Grupp. Tallink Grupp and RMC are now
that the vessel will be as energy-efficient In addition, two more vessels have been working on finalising the contract and
and environmentally friendly as possible. designed at the shipyard. B
altic Queen, financial arrangements. n
says Heinimaa.
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