companies cooperating with each other At the moment, there are 31 tenants
and thus improving their competitive- in the industrial park, with about 400 mar-
ness.” itime professionals in attendance.
be rented out is 55,000 m 2 , 87% of which
is now rented.
At the same time the turnover of
Synergies may be achieved in differ- “The number of personnel has RMTK has increased: while in 2015 it was
ent ways – for example, things such as a remained somewhat stable over the last 3,1 million euros, it was doubled by 2017
joint environmental permit, joint electricity, couple of years, with some changes,” up to 6,2 million euros. The goals for
heat and gas purchases, and joint services Luukkonen says. 2020s are set high:
(security and waste management) bring
GOING STRONG Industry Park will be a nationally and
“Co-operation between compa- The latest lease agreement is from Sep- internationally attractive, logistically supe-
nies in the area reduces the transporta- tember when R&M Ship Technologies, the rior, resource efficient and competitive
tion costs because operations are concen- full-line supplier of marine industry rented industrial park for heavy industry,” Timo
trated in the same area, as in the case of office premises in the park. Luukkonen envisions. In addition to pro-
surface treatment. Furthermore, the exist- “At the same time, Allstars Engineer- viding synergies and added value to enter-
ing cranes and transfer system minimise ing’s marine engineering office extended prises operating in the park, the park will
the need to rent equipment form outside,” its own lease agreement, “says Luuk- also enhance the vitality of the whole
Timo Luukkonen adds. konen. The number of square meters to Rauma area. n
seatec 1/2019