auma Marine Constructions (RMC), RMC, noted that at first the agreement we really have had a great success with
which is operating the Rauma Ship- was about the delivery of two blocks with this,” says Jyrki Heinimaa and adds that
yard, and Meyer Turku, the owner of Turku an expectation that more will follow, pro- the works on the further two blocks are
Shipyard, are engaged in a new kind of vided that everything works out. As the already being carried out.
cooperation. Meyer Turku ordered from “pilot blocks” were a success, Meyer Jyrki Heinimaa notes, that as such,
Rauma two ship blocks for Costa Esmer- wasted no time ordering two more. A ship there is nothing extraordinary about the
alda cruise ship built in Turku, and soon as huge as Costa Emeralda is assembled of cooperation of Turku and Rauma, because
after an order of two more blocks fol- about hundred blocks, so there’s plenty of the whole industry works as a network and
lowed. work to go around. shipyards communicate with each other
In the interview given at the end of “This job has given us an experience closely. “When Turku asked, whether we
September Jyrki Heinimaa, the CEO of how to handle thin 5 mm sheets – and would be interested in Costa Emeralda,
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