seatec - Finnish marine technology review 1/2018 | Page 39

COMPETITIVE CORE FINNISH MARITIME CLUSTER IS BUILDING NETWORKS WITH DEPTH AND REACH by: SAMI J. ANTEROINEN photo: CITY OF HELSINKI / LAURI ROTKO A ccording to the vision of Finnish tainability technologies; smart ships and Maritime Cluster, by 2025 Finland systems; and competence services in the will have “the most creative, agile and Finnish Maritime Cluster. adaptive maritime network” known for The above ideas are from the recent innovation of customised solutions, ser- report ’Smart maritime technology solu- vices and forms of operation delivered tions’ which provides an update to the under flexible schedule and with com- strategic research agenda for the Finn- petitive price. These solutions and ser- ish maritime cluster for 2017–2025. The vices steer the entire life cycle towards a report was co-authored by Finnish Mari- sustainable and digitalised setting, mak- time Industries and Ministry of Economic ing the Finnish Maritime Cluster a global Affairs and Employment. role model. The competitiveness and productiv- MASTERING THE MEGATRENDS ity of the network will be supported by Looking into the future is highly relevant long-term, multidisciplinary research and in any line of business, and marine sec- development work integrated strongly tor is not exempt from disruption. Global with education of future game-chang- megatrends have a crucial influence on ers in a network of internationally recog- marine businesses, and factors such as nised universities, research organisations growth of the world economy, popula- and companies. According to this game tion growth and unexpected changes in plan, the competitiveness will be based on economy, political situation and nature, high-level competence on integrating lat- all come into play here. In addition, cli- est technology to specialised marine tech- mate change, availability of raw materi- nology solutions and offshore applications als, food and water create demand for including energy, environmental and sus- new solutions. seatec 1/2018 39