change is already
Digital Acceleration Centres are
to the ’sharks’ to decide whether or not
CHALLENGES being managed by Ms. Alid Dettke, Vice Largely, Digital Acceleration Centres are President, Digital Innovation from Wärt- In other words, the centres will act as
intended to keep Wärtsilä’s activities in silä Corporation. The next two Centres will an incubator and accelerator for new dig-
line with the constantly changing busi- probably be set up in North America and ital ideas. First, the innovators pitch their
ness environment. Central Europe in the year 2018. new ideas for 10 to 15 minutes. If taken
they will invest in developing it.
”The business world is on the move. ”A lot of new ideas and innovations up by the Digital Acceleration Centre, the
With the onset of the Internet of Things need processing. We want to collect them ideas will be incubated there for a maxi-
(IoT), there will be new possibilities and and select the best of them quickly for mum period of six weeks.
new ways to make use of the latest tech- further development into new kinds of In the event that potential for new
nologies. Additionally, any emerging prob- business models. This will speed up our business is found, the idea will then be fur-
lems need to be reacted to without delay,” operations and product development, as ther developed for 12 months.
Hägg points out. well as enhance the utilisation of our own Basically, Digital Acceleration Centres
resources,” Vice Presi dent Hägg explains. are intended for the development of new
activities from ship engines to propulsion After initial selection, the results will business ideas only. Wärtsilä’s traditional
and electrical automation devices, ship be presented to a group of judges – part research and development is still being car-
design, cargo handling, fuel injection, and of Wärtsilä’s Shark Tank team. It is then up ried out separately. n
”Wärtsilä has already expanded its
navigation equipment.”
One major change that is already
happening in the maritime business world
is the emergence of Big Data.
”Making use of huge amounts of col-
lected data is what will bring forth new
business models, plus various data-related
or software products. These are among
the innovations we intend to process in
Wärtsilä’s Digital Acceleration Centres,”
Hägg notes.
The results will
be presented
to a group of judges
– part of Wärtsilä’s
Shark Tank team.
It is quite conceivable that Wärtsilä will
open further Digital Acceleration Centres
in the near future. Two more are to be
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